Thursday, November 4, 2010

Anyone hungry yet?

Anyone hungry yet?  I have to say that I feel pretty good today.  My cold is gone, thanks to the miracle work of my friend. Also I feel like I have more energy, and I don't feel mentally sluggish.

So is this from eating smaller amounts?  There are so many studies that point to mental and physical health problems being directly linked to bad diet and obesity.  It makes sense that eating lighter and less would be more conducive to feeling healthier and essentially being healthier. that is food for thought :) I want to pass on healthy thoughts for the day.

I have a little exercise:

  • Let's envision ourselves in a place of complete and total perfection, what do you see?  What would you change about yourself? Example:  I get told by people once in awhile that I like to talk, which makes me think that maybe I need to work on being a better listener (or spend more time in my office writing) but that is something I would change about myself...I would be a better listener.  Okay  now back to you :) what would you change about yourself?  
  • Take each thing one by one and hold it in your mental hand. What exactly does this piece of yourself that you are removing look like? What does it smell like?  Does it make any sounds as you rip it away?
  • Now shake the thing you have removed and toss it into the air, then blow to assist it along. Do you feel lighter?
  • Remember to get them all, all the little things that you want to change about yourself. Is it your nose? Your gray hair? The spacing between your teeth? Is it the way you laugh? Whatever it may be tear it loose in your mind and set it free.
  • Now take a look at yourself in the mirror (the mirror in your mind) how do you look? How do you feel? 
  • Now look at yourself in the mirror hanging on the wall or bathroom.
  • Notice how beautiful/handsome you are inside and out.  You are. Beautiful/Handsome!!
  • Give yourself a huge hug because love is always and forever burning within us no matter what shape or size we are.

If you have an ipod consider downloading the podcast "Chakra Meditaion" by Paul White. It is free and it only takes a few minutes to go through the entire thing, but it works!

Tonight: think light,  take a load off.

Sweet dreams

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