Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello there..

I apologize for the absence. I hope everyone has been keeping up with their daily logs, remaining conscious of serving sizes, and doing the daily minimum of 30 minutes of exercise.

I have been facing several challenges that, I believe, are the precursor for what is to come later this month (Thanksgiving).  My boyfriend's family has the kind of Thanksgiving that is only seen in magazines, and happy television shows.  I am not kidding! Luckily for me most of the worry over temptation has been "licked in the bud" because I have been "volun-told" that I am working that day.  That does not help everyone else that has the day off though. All I can say is that I have seen glimpses and I am sorry....BUT I KNOW YOU CAN REMAIN TRUE!!  

This week I am coordinating a fund raiser, bake sale, for a cause that is important to me.  My boyfriend actually inspired me to have this bake sale when he refused to donate $5 towards the financial donation I was prepared to mail off that day. He told me that he would not give me a cent, but he would "DO" something instead...a.k.a bake a box load of monster cookies.....okay so here is to the point...MONSTER COOKIE.  Yes then behind the aroma of peanut buttery, chocolate goodness I baked off a tree's worth of apple pies. The words of my boss (head cook) "Quality Control" kept ringing through my head.  

I did sample a small cookie (well small according to my usual standards) and included that as part of my lunch. I can't say I have been the best participant today, but I managed to logistically calculate all that I consumed.  

This brings me to another vicious cycle. The "I will do better tomorrow" cycle.  I went through this cycle the month before last. Everyday I would eat like I had been locked in a dungeon with only plain bread and water for three years.  I would tell myself  "I will start eating healthy tomorrow." After a little over a month of eating like this and feeling like hell I decided that I wanted to do this experiment.  I just want to observe that eating consciously doesn't mean that we have to omit all of the things that we love, but rather allows us to eat them without feeling guilty.  I am just going to say the golden word MODERATION.  

An idea I would like to share is to look back at what you ate all week on Sunday.  What do you notice?

Keep your beautiful head up. Eat in moderation, but love with all of your intensity.  No matter what, just keep moving forward.

Have a wonderful evening!

Subject for tomorrow: vitamins.

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