Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daily C

How many of you take daily vitamins? My grandma walked into a drug store one day and informed an associate that she was interested in starting a daily calcium regime.  The associate looked at my grandma and said "It's too late to start taking calcium."

I had to laugh, not because what the lady said was funny, but quite the opposite.  I remember her mother, my great-grandmother, growing shorter and shorter as I grew taller and taller.  I once looked up at her and thought it was strange as I began to see eye to eye with the woman.  It wasn't that I was actually growing taller (which I was) she had osteoporosis.  Who is to say that it is ever too late to vitaline our system, as a safety measure?

For years I spent hundreds of dollars on boxed kits of daily vitamin packs and fancy bottles that promised the fountain of youth in a mouthful of tablets...but why?

 We do get the same vitamins and minerals in our food.

Of course the  choice to take vitamins is strictly personal and the need is dependent on one's lifestyle. If you are the type that eats on the run, never eats breakfast, is a vegetarian, eats mostly meats, avoids fruits, veggies, and dairy, or eats each meal prepackaged from the freezer section  than maybe a few extra vitamins are a good fit for you.

However, if you eat a balanced diet of whole wheat pasta and bread, plenty of fruits and veggies, lean meats and eggs, and low fat dairy than you would be fine just taking a daily vitamin.   I like one a day for women and I buy one a day for men for my boyfriend.  There are several brands that offer a daily all-in-one vitamin that are good.  The great thing about vitamins is that you can always pick what you need based on how you eat and your own personal health concerns.  For example I know that I don't eat a lot of dairy ( I usually recommend that women take a daily calcium pill every day), run a little low on iron, am always stressed (compromised immune system) have dry skin, have bad eye sight, and heart/circulation problems run in my family so every day I take 2 calcium pills, 2 fatty fish oils (omegas), a daily all-in-one vitamin, and five odorless garlic capsules, and iron once a week.  If you have questions about different vitamins or are wondering which vitamins might be right for you there is plenty of resources available.  Most health and drug stores have vitamins encyclopedias that recommend certain vitamins for specific health issues.

If you want to see if your vitamin can be broken down and utilized by your body put the vitamin in a glass of water.  If the vitamin starts to fizz and break apart then your body can get the nutrients out of it.  If the vitamin is still solid after ten minutes then there is a good chance that you will "pass" the vitamin without having received any of the nutrients.

I will also recommend a good acupuncturist who is also a licensed herbal pharmacist. Check out his website at: http://www.ac4wellness.com/

  • Remember try to eat a balanced diet.  A balanced diet is the best way to provide your bodies with the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to run efficiently, but if you are on the run find out which vitamins are most valuable to you.
  • Consider taking a daily one-in-all vitamin.
  • If you are female consider taking a daily fatty fish oil capsule and calcium tab 
  • Get plenty of exercise, and sleep. Drink lots of water. Meditate. Laugh.

The key is to try to avoid medications if you can.  We are only masking the real issue.  Listen to your bodies.

Tonight: Stretch & breath deeply.

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